New members are always welcome at the Evergreens Miniature Railway. You don't even have to have your own engine or any engineering experience. We're sure you'll find something to interest you at Evergreens.


 Our members meet on a Wednesday and Saturday which is also when we maintain the railway. From track work to painting fences, cutting grass and a little bit of gardening. There is always something to do no matter what experience you have.

 On open days it's all hands on deck as we need members to do a great variety of jobs including:


  Engine Driver  ***   Train Guard

  Station Master   ***   Signal Man

  Catering   ***   Collecting Gate Admissions

  Directing Traffic in the Car Park   ***   Other jobs too but why not come and find out!


   Membership also opens up the ability to visit other miniature railways to drive either your own locomotive or with other members



Membership is £40 per year.

Additional members of your family can become associate members for an additional £2

and junior membership (14 to 18 years) is £20.

 The Associate Membership replaces our previous family membership for insurance purposes


 Call in on one of our open day's for more details,

or email: evergreensminiaturerailway@gmail.com 

or contact via our Facebook page


 Members are entitled to free boiler testing and Public Liability Insurance for driving on our Miniature Railway and others in the UK. Both these come under the Northern Association of Model Engineers.


Evergreens aims to share the railway experience by bringing together people from all walks of life to introduce them to the running of miniature trains, model engineering, and the railway heritage in general, to be a sociable club where we work as a team. 

Membership Form 2024
Membership form 2024 (3).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 305.6 KB

